


PRIME MINISTER ABE: Well, in my meeting with the congressional representatives yesterday, I explained my thoughts, and that is I do have deep-hearted sympathies that my people had to serve as comfort women, were placed in extreme hardships, and had to suffer that sacrifice; and that I, as Prime Minister of Japan, expressed my apologizes, and also expressed my apologizes for the fact that they were placed in that sort of circumstance.
PRESIDENT BUSH: The comfort women issue is a regrettable chapter in the history of the world, and I accept the Prime Minister's apology. I thought it was very -- I thought his statements -- Kono's statement, as well as statements here in the United States were very straightforward and from his heart. And I'm looking forward to working with this man to lead our nations forward. And that's what we spent time discussing today.

なるほど、当時の安倍総理が "apologizes" を表明したのはアメリカの議員団(安倍自身のことばでは「議会関係者」)との会合においてである、とされています。「慰安婦」問題に関する下院決議の正否が話題になっていた時期ですからね。しかしその "apolozies" は当然ブッシュ大統領(当時)にも伝わり、"I accept the Prime Minister's apology" という発言につながったわけです。そうするとこれは「完全否定」などという勇ましいものではなく、「部分否定」にしかならないはずのはなしではないでしょうか?