イスラエル軍の "shoot first" ポリシー
AFPBBNews 2009年07月16日 「ガザ参戦のイスラエル兵が証言、「まず撃て」「民間人を盾に」と軍が指示」
報告書によると、証言は匿名の兵士30人ほどから集められたもの。その結果、ガザ地区における大規模な破壊は、「イスラエル国防軍(Israel Defence Forces、IDF)の方針の直接的な結果」であることが明らかになったとしている。1人の兵士は、「建物に接近するときには、いつも近所の人間を先に送り込んだ」と述べ、イスラエル兵たちがパレスチナ民間人を「人間の盾」として使用するのが常態化していたことを証言した。
"No one said 'kill innocents,'" said one. "But the instruction was that for the army, anyone there is suspect and should be taken down."
"I understood... that it's better to shoot first and ask questions later," said another.
"The goal was to carry out an operation with the least possible casualties for the army, without it even asking itself what the price would be for the other side," said a third.
"The difficult thing about the atmosphere was the negligible value placed on human life. People didn't seem to be upset about taking human lives," said one soldier.
While one commander would not let his soldiers break anything in a house and another unit cleaned up after themselves, others engaged in vandalism.
"In one house we entered, I saw guys had defecated in drawers... I remember a filthy drawing in a children's nursery... I really felt ashamed.. and so do guys who were with me."