
Dr-Seton さんのエントリなどですでにご存知の方も少なくないと思うが。


There is not a day that goes by that I do not feel remorse for what happened that day in My Lai,” William Calley told members of the Kiwanis Club of Greater Columbus today. His voice started to break when he added, “I feel remorse for the Vietnamese who were killed, for their families, for the American soldiers involved and their families. I am very sorry.

海外のいくつかの報道を見てみると、カリー元中尉が当時も、そして現在も「上官の命令に従った」のだと主張していることを指摘し、カリー中尉は「スケープゴート」だという見方が有力であることを伝えている。ヴェトナム側の反応を伝えたものとしては南アフリカのニュースサイトIOLの記事があるが、それによれば虐殺の生存者(かつ被害者遺族)で、現地にある記念館の director である Pham Thanh Cong氏らもまた、より上位の者の責任を指摘しているとのことである。

William G. Eckhardt, the chief prosecutor in the My Lai cases, who is now a professor of law at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, told The Lede on Monday, “I think we ought to be clear that his statement is incredibly self-serving.” Mr. Eckhardt said that “the best polygraphic evidence I had” indicated that Captain Ernest Medina, who was Mr. Calley’s commanding officer, did not issue an order for the platoon to execute civilians during the operation in My Lai.


In an essay on the case published in 2000, Mr. Eckhardt wrote that Captain Medina, who was also charged with murder but ultimately acquitted, had “ordered his men to destroy all crops, to kill all livestock, to burn all houses, and to pollute the water wells of the village” but noted that there was “an important disagreement concerning his reported orders to kill non-combatants. Significantly, he gave no instructions for their segregation and safeguarding.”

村の生活基盤を徹底的に破壊せよという命令は出しているわけである。沖縄戦での「集団自決」に「軍命令」があったかなかったかに関する議論にも通じることだが、上官が自らの口で明示的に「女子どもも殺せ」と言ったのかどうかだけでなく、カリー中尉がおかれていた状況で、ある村を生存不能な状態にせよという命令を出すことがいったいどのような意味をもったか? が問われねばならないだろう。