占領時、米軍も「慰安婦」調達を命令 ホンダ議員「旧日本軍は強制」言明
また古森か(笑) ホンダ議員がRAA否認論でもぶってくれればと期待したのかもしれないが、きちんと調査を依頼した、ということでどうも産経的な方向性がはっきりしない記事になっている。「AP通信は4月26日」っていうのが日本時間なのかアメリカ時間なのかはっきりしないのだが、日本時間26日ということなら問題のAPの報道というのはこれのことでしょう。「同報道はこの米軍慰安所にかかわって当時の日本側関係者数人を実名で紹介し、その談話をも引用した」って記述にも合致しているし。この報道なら、APの配信を受けてmilitary.comが掲載したものをGl17さん*1がこのエントリのコメント欄で報告してくださったので、検討済みですが、改めて。
GIs Frequented Japan's 'Comfort Women'
Associated Press Writer
TOKYO (AP) -- Japan's abhorrent practice of enslaving women to provide sex for its troops in World War II has a little-known sequel: After its surrender - with tacit approval from the U.S. occupation authorities - Japan set up a similar "comfort women" system for American GIs.
An Associated Press review of historical documents and records - some never before translated into English - shows American authorities permitted the official brothel system to operate despite internal reports that women were being coerced into prostitution. The Americans also had full knowledge by then of Japan's atrocious treatment of women in countries across Asia that it conquered during the war.
Tens of thousands of women were employed to provide cheap sex to U.S. troops until the spring of 1946, when Gen. Douglas MacArthur shut the brothels down.
The documents show the brothels were rushed into operation as American forces poured into Japan beginning in August 1945.
The orders from the Ministry of the Interior came on Aug. 18, 1945, one day before a Japanese delegation flew to the Philippines to negotiate the terms of their country's surrender and occupation.
Though arranged and supervised by the police and civilian government, the system mirrored the comfort stations established by the Japanese military abroad during the war.
Toshiyuki Tanaka, a history professor at the Hiroshima Peace Institute, cautioned that Kaburagi's number is hard to document. But he added the RAA was also only part of the picture - the number of private brothels outside the official system was likely even higher.
As a step toward acknowledging and resolving the exploitation of Japanese women, however, it was a complete failure.
Though they were free to do so, no Japanese women sought compensation.
"Not one Japanese woman has come forward to seek compensation or an apology," Wada said. "Unless they feel they can say they were completely forced against their will, they feel they cannot come forward."
なお、Toshiyuki Tanakaというのは、池田信夫氏がアカ呼ばわりして切り捨てた田中利幸氏のこと。米軍の慰安所の実態について報道する際に田中氏のコメントが利用されている、ということに注目。きちんと日本人元慰安婦への謝罪・補償問題(ないしそれが問題として浮かび上がらないこと)にも言及した記事である。